Canton Community TV in Canton MA offers listeners its local programs ”on-the-go” via audio. Programs include interviews with community leaders, town event coverage, policy and voting questions, anything impacting those who live in Canton. Some policy interviews may engage the interest of those living in surrounding towns and the State of MA. Shows with artists and authors, naturalists and thinkers will be of interest to all engaging personalities. Made available by Canton Community Tv. To listen to Canton town government Podcasts follow: Canton MA Select Board Plus Podcast: https://cantonmaselectboard.podbean.com/
Friday Nov 03, 2023
Friday Nov 03, 2023
A Canton MA, Special Town Meeting is scheduled for November 20th at 7pm.
Canton Community Tv's Andrea Galvin interviews Town Manager Charles Doody on the upcoming November 20th Special Town Meeting.
The Town Meeting came about by resident petition which required 200 voter signatures after heated meetings over several weeks at select board hearings.
Articles include a "Yes or No" vote of no confidence of the select board and police.
Another article includes an audit of departments. (Requires financing.)
To move town voting to November. (Has to go through the state legislature.)
Term limits for the Select Board. Yes or no.
Excellent details on the Special Town Meeting is also available at the Finance Committee (FinCom) meetings of Oct. 25 and Nov. 1.
October 25 FinCom: https://admin5.podbean.com/cantonmaselectboard/episodes/shareEmbed/8RyRxjS2NIOG
November 1st FinCom:
FinCom of November 1st is still being transcoded. However if you visit CantonCommunityTv.org you can search the VIDEO for all the meetings .
This page will be updated to include a direct audio links to the Podcast of FinCom of November 1st when it becomes available.
For all Canton's Meetings on Podcast audio goto:
Canton, MA Select Board PLUS Podcast