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Tuesday Mar 12, 2024
Karen Read Hearing of March 12, 2024
Tuesday Mar 12, 2024
Tuesday Mar 12, 2024
In this March 12, 2024 9AM hearing there are details given by Defense attorney Jackson on the motion to dismiss the case. He was given ten minutes and is surprised because they were told they could have "all day" if needed. Grounds he sites:
Chris Albert (brother of Brian--body of Officer O'Keefe was found on his front lawn) relationship with Sgt. Lank regarding a bar fight. Investigator/State Trooper Proctor is described as "second family" to the Alberts but hid this from the grand jury.
Canton officer Kevin Albert coordinates the investigation. Google search "how long to die in cold" by someone who was at the after party at 2:27AM is hidden from the jury. (O'Keefe's body was found after shortly after 6AM on the lawn where the party took place.)
ADA Lally says the commonwealth never knowingly deceived the jury. The Lank incident was 20 years ago. Brian Albert did not come out of his house but neither did neighbors. I was cold outside.
Continuing: There was no fight. No dog attack. Ask that you deny motion to dismiss.
Defense Rebuttal: FBI says John O'Keefe's injuries were inconsistent with contact with a car. Integrity is missing from this investigation. DA Michael Morrissey's video calling Karen Read guilty is misconduct. Gag orders were attempted. He called the defense theory desperate. And there was a group conference call with witnesses before the grand jury hearing took place. Morrissey's interest is not justice.
DA Response: That video was six months ago. He had no choice because of a rolling rally calling the witnesses murderers. DA Morrissey had to respond. Kearney's (Journalist that first called the case suspicious, known as Turtleboy) (State) seized phone shows Read spoke to Kearney. The Phone doesn't lie.
The video is available at: CantonCommunityTv.org