Canton Community TV in Canton MA offers listeners its local programs ”on-the-go” via audio. Programs include interviews with community leaders, town event coverage, policy and voting questions, anything impacting those who live in Canton. Some policy interviews may engage the interest of those living in surrounding towns and the State of MA. Shows with artists and authors, naturalists and thinkers will be of interest to all engaging personalities. Made available by Canton Community Tv. To listen to Canton town government Podcasts follow: Canton MA Select Board Plus Podcast: https://cantonmaselectboard.podbean.com/
Saturday Nov 18, 2023
Canton, MA’s Special Town Meeting Webinar with Town Moderator, Alan Hines
Saturday Nov 18, 2023
Saturday Nov 18, 2023
Moderator, Alan Hines for the Special Town Meeting of November 20th holds his webinar on what's coming up so that the meeting rules will be understood. His guests include petitioners for articles coming before the town, STM Articles Nov., 2023, and FinCom chair, Cindy Thomas. Recorded on Saturday, Nov. 18th, this is the latest meeting regarding Monday's Special town Meeting.
You can see the video this on CantonCommunityTv's website: